Nepal Quake Relief-Guide&Info 1.0
Please Note: If you have any suggestionsorinformation on NGO's working sincerely on this cause pleasereachus at [email protected] has been seriously devastated by the 7.8magnitudeearthquake that occurred on April 25, 2015. The governmentof Nepalhas declared a state of emergency. Already over 2,400people havebeen pronounced dead with thousands of additionalinjured. Manyhomes as well as cultural and religious heritage siteshave beendestroyed. Many people have been displaced due to thedestructionand continuing tremors. Immediate relief will entailsearch andrescue, medical care, food, water, and shelter. Whilethedestruction in Kathmandu has been clearly visible inphotographsthat have circulated on the Internet, many rural areashave beensimilarly affected, where there is urgent need for rescueandrelief.http://google.org/personfinder/2015-nepal-earthquake/Please Note:- "Person Finder Application" fetches data from the GooglePersonFinder Site. On active Person Finder sites, all data enteredisavailable to the public and usable by anyone. Google doesnotreview or verify the accuracy of this data.About (V.O.I.C.E.)Volunteers Online for Impact in Crisis &Emergencies(V.O.I.C.E.) support relief coordination for disastersacrossIndia, with a mission to transform public goodwill and wordsintopositive action.
Uttarakhand HelpNow 1.0
It's a time for every section ofsocietyextends helping hand to Uttarakhand flood victims. FloodsinUttarakhand have created havoc with thousands of people strandedindifferent parts of the state. Several thousand are missing&many have been killed as well. This has been described astheHimalayan Tsunami. The relief operations are in full swingwithArmy, Airforce, NDRA & others pitching in for rescuingpeople.One of the worst-affected is Kedarnath town with areaslikeBadrinath, Yamunotri & others. Several helicopters havebeendeployed with Food, medicines and other essentials werealsocarried to the needy.Several states have announced financial, medical & otherhelpto the Uttarakhand govt to help over come the crisis.Now Its our time to make the difference. Please spreadthisapplication to needy.